The Weekender: July 2 - July 4

Happy weekend and Happy 4th! Summer is in full swing and with June behind us already we’re savoring every minute. Hope your holiday weekend is filled with lots of good old fashioned backyard barbecues, and here are a few other things that you might want to add to the calendar…


Summer Concert Series: The Park Theater’s inaugural weekly summer concert series at the Crandall Park Bandshell kicks off tomorrow night (Friday, July 2) at 7pm with Let’s Be Leonard. Fingers crossed that the rain holds off! Get the details here.

4th of July Fireworks: No fireworks in Crandall Park this holiday weekend, but fear not! You can find them at Six Flags, in Lake George Village, and at the Washington County Fairgrounds, to name a few!

Take a Bite: Save the Date! One of everyone’s favorite downtown events, Take a Bite, is back this Wednesday July 7th. Mark your calendar and bring your appetite! Details here.

Family Theatre Series: Another one to mark your calendar for - the Glens Falls Community Theater is presenting a free family theatre series starting this Tuesday, July 6 at the Crandall Park Bandshell. Food trucks, too! Get the scoop here.

Have a great weekend!
Bri + Tom

The Weekender: June 25 - 27

Happy Summer!! Ready for the weekend? We are! Hoping to fill it with fresh picked berries, a good book, a little gardening, and of course, a stroll downtown for dinner. Here are a few other things that caught our eye:


Concert Series in the Park: Not this weekend, but you’ll want to mark your calendars for this one! The Park Theater just announced its inaugural weekly summer concert series at the Crandall Park Bandshell each Friday evening in July from 7-8:30pm - and it starts next Friday, July 2 (we’ll remind you next week of course, but save the date!). Details here.

Splash Pad: Speaking of Crandall Park, have you and the kiddos been to the new Splash Pad yet? It’s going to be hot on Sunday, so that might be the perfect afternoon activity! It’s open on weekends from 11:30am-1pm, 2-3:30pm, and 5-6:30pm, and will be open weekdays starting next week - stay tuned to their Facebook page here for the latest updates on hours!


Dinner and a Show: Have you ever attended a lunch or dinner at Dancing Ewe Farm? It’s been on our summer to do list for a while now, and this Saturday’s dinner has the bonus of a performance by the Glens Falls Symphony! Not hungry? You can purchase tickets for the show only (which, by the way, will be in their gorgeous field at sunset!). Details and tickets here.


Great 8: Did you catch our story on the Wilton Wildlife Preserve this week? With the beautiful weather in the forecast, we might just get a head start on the Great 8 Trail Challenge - details here!

Have a great weekend!
Bri + Tom

The Weekender: June 18 - 20

Happy weekend, and Happy Father’s Day! Hope your weekend agenda is filled with plans with friends and family, and here are a few other ideas…


Summer Reading: We just saw that another Little Free Library popped up on the corner of Crandall and Lincoln in Glens Falls! If you’re in the market for some summer reading (or you’d like to drop one off for someone to borrow!), check out their Instagram for details here.

P.S. If you have a Little Library in Glens Falls or know someone who does, shoot us a note at so we can get in touch with you for a future feature!


Strawberry Picking: It’s time! U-pick is happening now at Hand Melon Farm in Greenwich, Ariel’s Farm in Gansevoort, and Yoleberry Farms in Fort Ann. Strawberry shortcake, please!


Island Picnic: We celebrated Bri’s birthday this past weekend with a favorite tradition - a cruise out to Speaker Heck Island on Lake George for a few hours of sipping rosé and a picnic lunch. No boat, no problem - highly recommend our pal Captain Ron from Love is on Lake George Cruises for a water taxi or custom cruises - grab his details here!

Jeep Invasion: We’re a Jeep family, so we were psyched to see the ADK Jeep Invasion on the calendar. Most of the event is for ticket holders only, but there’s a Show and Shine on Saturday night from 6-9pm at Charles Wood Park that’s open to the public. If only we could get our old Wagoneer up and running in time! Details here.


Have a great weekend!
Bri + Tom

The Weekender: June 11 - 13

Happy weekend! Our ideal summer weather - 75 degrees and sunny - and lots of fun things to do around town…here’s a few:


Yoga: Yoga abounds this weekend with Yoga on the Mountain at West Mountain (details and sign up here) and an open house at the new location of Grounded on Glen (formerly Yoga Kayla) - grab the scoop here!

Dragons Baseball: Baseball is back in Glens Falls this month, and the Dragons have home games both Friday night and Sunday night - get the details here!

Disc Golf: Crandall Park is celebrating the official grand opening of the Crandall Park Disc Golf course this weekend with a Learn to Play Day, a Recreational Tournament, and a Pro Tournament. Last we heard, there were still spots left in the Recreational Tournament if you’re up for it - sign up here! And if you’re new to the sport, check out our beginner’s guide here.


Strawberry Season: We’re patiently (okay, impatiently) waiting for the local strawberry fields to open for you-pick, but we just saw that Bowman Orchard in Rexford will be opening their strawberry fields for picking tomorrow! Strawberry shortcake, here we come. Details here.

Have a great weekend!
Bri + Tom

The Weekender: June 4 - 6

Happy weekend! The forecast looks glorious, and we are happy to settle into summer mode a bit early. Here’s a few ideas for your agenda:


Summer at West Mountain: We were psyched to see that West Mountain is opening for the summer on June 5th! We went a few times last summer and loved the picnic package and hiking, and the aerial treetop adventure looks like it would be a blast for families. Check out our story here, and grab tickets here!

Race for the Rest of Us: If you’re looking for a fun, family friendly “race” that gives back to the community (and does not require months of training - it’s a 0.5K downtown!), this one’s for you. The United Way does so much for our community and this is a great way to give back. Sign up here!

Canal Street Marketplace: A little something to put on your calendar for next Thursday (and each Thursday this summer) - the Canal Street Marketplace in Fort Edward re-opens this week! While we love our Saturday Farmers Market here in Glens Falls, it’s always fun to meet new vendors and find new goodies at others, and this is a great one! Details here.


Lakota’s Farm Spring Artisan Market: We were excited to see that our friend’s at Lakota’s Farm in Cambridge are starting out the summer right with their Artisan Market! Local artists and crafters, live music, local breweries, wineries, and distilleries, food trucks, and more. Get the details here!

Have a great weekend!
Bri + Tom

The Weekender: May 28 - May 30

Memorial Day Weekend! We’re ever so grateful, today and every day, for those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for us all.

Hope your holiday weekend is filled with friends and family and good food - and also hope the weather makes a quick change from the 50 degree temps we just saw! Here are a few things that caught our eye:

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Memorial Day Ceremony: We’re bummed that the parade is canceled, but the City of Glens Falls will host a remembrance ceremony at Cool Insuring Arena on Monday at 11:30am - get the details here!

New Outdoor Seating at Craft on 9: We caught a glimpse of the new outdoor seating situation at Craft on 9 on Facebook the other day and can’t wait to check it out! They’ll be open from 3-10pm on Friday and Saturday - details here. Cheers!

Two Exhibit Openings: We spotted two openings downtown this weekend - the LARAC Members Show Exhibit Opening is Friday from 5-7pm (details here) and and the opening for George VanHook’s People, Places, and Plein Air Exhibit at Mountain Gallery is on Friday from 6-8pm (details here).


Bolton Art + Craft Festival: We love a cruise up to Bolton to start the summer! Here are a few of our favorites if you decide to head up that way too, and bonus - the Art + Craft Festival is happening this weekend too - details here!

Seymour’s Restaurant: Our friends at Spruce Hospitality Group, which also operates The Queensbury Hotel, Fenimore’s Pub, and Park 26, just announced the planned opening of Seymour’s Restaurant and The Tap Room at Ticonderoga Golf Course this weekend! Rumor has it The Tap Room has an expansive patio overlooking the Lord Howe Valley and we can’t wait to drive up and check it out (and maybe pair it with a visit to Fort Ticonderoga?) - details here!


Have a great weekend!
Bri + Tom

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this story and those like it here on GFL, please consider supporting our hometown content by clicking here. With your support, we can continue to share the stories of the people, places, and businesses that make our area so special. Thank you - we appreciate you being here more than you know!

The Weekender: May 21 - 23

Happy weekend! It’s gone from spring to summer overnight, and we’re busy making summer garden plans - zinnias were a big success for us last year so that’s first on our list!

Here’s a few other things we’re hoping to get to:


The Shirt Factory: The Thursday Market and Food Truck Corral is back at The Shirt Factory starting this week! Dinner, dessert, drinks, live music, and so many awesome vendors - can’t wait! Get the scoop here.

A Change of Scenery: We’ve been taking long walks around the city but decided to switch things up with a walk on the Rush Pond Way Trail in Queensbury. Our first time there and definitely not our last, it was a beautiful change of scenery (and we can’t wait to see it in the fall!). Get the details on the trail here.


Cambridge Valley Fine Art Tour: A favorite! We’re big fans of so many Washington County artists, and this is an opportunity to visit a few in their Cambridge studios - and enjoy a stroll around Cambridge while you’re at it (here are a few of our recommendations while you’re there). Get the details on the art tour here!

Have a great weekend!
Bri + Tom

The Weekender: May 14 - 16

Happy Thursday! Last weekend felt like a true GF summer weekend and we’re hoping for more of the same this weekend - a walk to the Farmers Market, breakfast at home on the porch (made with our Farmers Market haul, of course!), a little yard work, and a drink or two downtown. Here’s what else we’re hoping to fit in:


Patio Sessions: So thrilled to hear the sounds of live music around the city in the evenings again. We saw that Doc’s Restaurant’s popular Patio Sessions are back, with live music on their patio each Friday and Saturday evening from 5:30-8:30pm. Get the details here. Cheers!


Small Town Bookstores: We’re in the mood for a drive this weekend, so we may head out to one of our favorite Washington County gems, Owl Pen Books. If small town bookstores are your thing, check out our round up here!


Spring Hike: We’re eager to get back outside (and get back in hiking shape!), so we’re hoping to fit in a spring hike this weekend. We just saw Lake George Land Conservancy’s video featuring a few local favorites, if you need some trail ideas - watch them here!


Have a great weekend!
Bri + Tom

The Weekender: May 7 - 9

Happy weekend, and Happy Mother’s Day! We’ve got big plans to enjoy some time with family (now that we’re all finally fully vaccinated!) along with soaking up as much of this spring weather as we can. Here’s a few things that caught our eye:

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Mother’s Day: Have you made plans? We rounded up a list of ideas from shops and businesses around Glens Falls that would make a perfect gift or experience (Mother’s Day brunch, anyone?!) - read it here!

Common Roots: If you haven’t heard (and even if you have, we’ll celebrate it here again!) - Common Roots has opened their beer garden and taproom for on-site dining! We’re so excited to enjoy a pint and a pizza in their new space after grabbing take-out over the past year. Get the details here - cheers!

The Arts: The Hyde Collection just reopened (with three new exhibitions we can’t wait to see!), and strolling The Chapman Museum’s new collection featuring Now & Then Photos of Glens Falls would make a fun afternoon, too!


Food Truck Fridays: A big hit last summer, Food Truck Fridays at the Washington County Fairgrounds are back starting tomorrow! Food trucks and entertainment abound from 4-8pm - details here!

Hicks in Bloom: We’ve been keeping an eye on photos of the apple tree blooms at Hicks in Granville and this weekend looks to be a pretty one! A ride out to the orchard for a donut, some cider, and a stroll through the trees sounds pretty sweet - details here!

Have a great weekend!
Bri + Tom

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this story and those like it here on GFL, please consider supporting our hometown content by clicking here. With your support, we can continue to share the stories of the people, places, and businesses that make our area so special. Thank you - we appreciate you being here more than you know!

The Weekender: April 30 - May 2

Hope you had a great week! The weekend forecast looks fabulous and we might even pack away our winter coats - too soon? ;) Here are a few things that caught our eye for the ol’ agenda:

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Food Truck Corral for SHMD: It’s South High’s Marathon Dance weekend, and while it might look a little different this year, we have no doubt that the spirit of the dance will be as strong as ever! To show your support, head over to The Shirt Factory Food Truck Corral to grab dinner on Friday from 4:30-8pm (details here) - a portion of all food proceeds with benefit SHMD. As always, you can donate to the Marathon Dance online here. Go Bulldogs!

Farmers Market: A sure sign of spring, this weekend is the opening weekend of the outdoor market on South Street! We’re so excited to get back to our Saturday morning routine of strolling downtown to grab fresh produce (and bagels…and flowers…) for the weekend. Details here!

Patio Season, Continued: Not this weekend, but something to look forward to - the patio at Doc’s is opening for the season on Wednesday, May 5! They’ll also be launching a new menu and craft cocktail selection - grab the details here and make your reservations!


Washington County Antiques Fair: One of our favorite events to browse (always with a bag of kettle corn!), you’ll find over 200 vendors at the Washington County Fairgrounds in Greenwich this weekend with antiques, collectibles, and crafts - grab the details here!

Have a great weekend!
Bri + Tom

The Weekender: April 23 - 25

Snow today, spring sunshine tomorrow! Hoping to sneak in a couple of walks around the city this weekend with everything in bloom, and here’s what else is on our radar:

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Earth Day: There’s no shortage of events to help clean up the area this weekend - just pick your favorite part of the city, grab your gloves, and pitch in! For details on the Feeder Canal event, click here; for the Crandall Park event, click here, and for the Downtown Glens Falls event, click here!


Fiber Tour: A spring favorite! The prettiest drive from farm to farm in Washington County, you’ll meet alpacas, bunnies, goats, sheep and lambs, llamas, and more, and shop for unique woven and knitted items while you’re at it. Grab the details here!


Spring Marketplace: We’ve mentioned Vischer Ferry General Store a time or two, and this weekend they’re hosting their Spring Marketplace! They’re celebrating the season with a group of vendors offering antiques, crafts, and home decor - grab the details here (and if you go, don’t forget to pre-order your picnic lunch here!).


Book Cabin: We were excited to see this sweet book store opened recently just north of Lake George village. There’s something special about browsing books in person vs. on Amazon, and we can’t wait to pop in to see what’s new - follow along with them here!


Have a great weekend!
Bri + Tom

The Weekender: April 16 - 18

Ready for the weekend?! Same here. We’re trying to ignore that snowflake we saw in tomorrow’s forecast, and the weekend looks promising! On our agenda: planting pansies, more raking, and finding a cocktail and a patio downtown. Hope you’ve got a fun weekend ahead, and if you need a couple of ideas, here they are:

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Patio Season, Continued: After a hiatus for the winter, Davidsons is back - it was so nice driving by and seeing a full (socially distanced, of course) patio last night! And really, it’s been so nice seeing all of the downtown patios open for business (just look at [farmacy] sitting pretty up there!). Spring is in the air, for sure.

April Maple: The Shirt Factory is hosting April Maple this weekend - food trucks and vendors will be offering maple products and maple flavored dishes, and well, what could be better? We’re eyeing maple fried chicken, maple cotton candy, and a brew from Mean Max for good measure. Details here.


Gardenworks: A sure sign of spring, Gardenworks is re-opening this weekend as well! If you’re in the mood for a drive, head out to the barn in Salem to pick up your pansies, and while you’re out there, swing into R.S. Taylor Brewery to pick up a growler to go!

Wine with a View: Another Washington County staple, Victory View Vineyard in Schaghticoke is re-opening for outside tastings and wine by the glass this weekend! Might as well hit a few of our favorite antique shops while you’re out that way too (find them here!).

Have a great weekend!
Bri + Tom

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this story and those like it here on GFL, please consider supporting our hometown content by clicking here. With your support, we can continue to share the stories of the people, places, and businesses that make our area so special. Thank you - we appreciate you being here more than you know!

The Weekender: April 9 - 11

Happy weekend! The trees are budding, the tulips are popping up downtown, and this spring weather just seems to feel extra good this year. Hope you’ve got plans to soak up the 70° temps we’re seeing in the forecast! Here are a few ideas:

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Inside Out at Mountain Gallery: The first exhibit opening for downtown’s newest gallery is tomorrow (April 9th) from 6-8pm. Mountain Gallery will showcase over 40 pieces from 25 plein air artists, celebrating the beauty of bringing the outside in. If you can’t make it tomorrow, the exhibit runs through April 24 - details here!

Patio Season: Don’t know about you, but this weather and seeing some patios opening up downtown is beckoning us out for date night this weekend! A quick swing through and we saw outdoor dining at Fenimore’s, [farmacy], Morgan and Co, Raul’s, Radici, Craft on 9, Mean Max, Flight Market, and more. Cheers to spring!

Back On the Court: Lace up your sneaks - the City of Glens Falls just announced that the pickle ball and tennis nets at Crandall Park will be up as of today, and basketball rims and nets will be in place by early next week! Grab the scoop here.

Celebrate The Park: The Park Theater is celebrating 3 years in business this weekend with a selection of complimentary food and drinks (and a cash bar!), along with live entertainment and a variety of flower arrangements to admire from Epithet Floral. Details here!

Take a Walk: With broken hearts, we said goodbye to our sweet pup, Murphy, last week after 10 beautiful years together. He taught us so much - like how to greet each day with excitement, enthusiasm, a smile, and a tail wag - no matter the day of the week, the weather, or what’s on the agenda. We can’t help but wish for one more long walk with him, to watch his joy bounding from tree to tree. So if you find yourself with some free time this weekend, might we suggest a long walk in the sunshine with your pup or someone you love? There’s nothing we can think of that would make Murph smile bigger (well, except bacon).

Have a great weekend!
Bri + Tom

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this story and those like it here on GFL, please consider supporting our hometown content by clicking here. With your support, we can continue to share the stories of the people, places, and businesses that make our area so special. Thank you - we appreciate you being here more than you know!

The Weekender: March 26 - 28

Ready for the weekend? Same here. And while the weather doesn’t look quite as fabulous as last weekend, there’s still time to squeeze in a little yard work, and maybe a few of these ideas, too:

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Expressions: It’s the last weekend for the Expressions exhibition at the LARAC Gallery - have you been? It’s open to the public from 10am - 3pm Monday through Saturday, and you can grab the details here!

Easter Pre-orders: Not entirely sure how Easter snuck up so quickly, but we’ll take this opportunity to get ahead of the game on securing the essentials for Easter brunch (and dessert)! Pre-order your bagels, muffins, and macarons from Alchemy Bagel, your cookies from the Muffin Top Baker and Abby’s Cookie Jar, and your chocolates from Barkeater. And if you’d rather let someone else do the cooking, grab your reservation for brunch at The Queensbury Hotel, Farmacy (they’re doing dinner to go, too!), and more.

Dinner & A Movie: Not this weekend, but you’ll want to plan ahead for Dinner and a Movie at The Park Theater on Wednesday, March 31! They’ll be showing the film Yesterday along with a 3-Course Prix Fixe menu and we couldn’t think of a better way to break up the work week! Details here.


R.S. Taylor: If you’re up for a drive this sunny Saturday, we just saw that R.S. Taylor Brewery in Salem will have their patio open this weekend! If you’ve never been, it’s a beautiful spot to sip a beer - grab their details here!

Have a great weekend!
Bri + Tom

The Weekender: March 19 - 21

Happy weekend and Happy Spring! We made it! I feel like we talk about the weather in The Weekender every week, but have you seen the forecast for this weekend?! Sunny skies with 50 and 60 degree temps sounds like a dream, and we can’t wait to soak it up. Here are a few things you may want to add to your agenda:

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Winter Meltdown: The snow is melting and things are heating up at The Shirt Factory with their Winter Meltdown Spicy Food event this Saturday. Local vendors and food trucks will be showcasing their bold flavors, and it seems like a perfect way to spend a sunny spring day. Details here.

Rob and Deb’s Opening Day: Another perfect way to spend the first weekend of spring? Ice cream! Rob and Deb’s Frozen Dreams opens tomorrow (Friday) and we can’t wait to get in line for a taste of summer - details here!

Maple Weekend: ‘Tis the season! The sap is flowing and sweet treats abound at some of our favorite sugar shacks. We shared a list of four of our favorites to visit here, so if you’re looking to go for a ride this weekend, this might be your best bet! Find them here.

Howl Trivia Night: Not this weekend, but something you’ll want to plan ahead for - SUNY Adirondack is hosting their popular Howl Trivia Night (in a virtual format this year!) on Friday, March 26. Players can form teams of four-to-six to compete for great prizes while raising money for SUNY Adirondack student scholarships - get the details here!

Have a great weekend!
Bri + Tom

The Weekender: March 12 - 14

Happy weekend! What is that we see outside on the ground? Grass?!? Hope you’ve soaked up the sunshine and warm weather this week (and hope it sticks around for the weekend, too!). Speaking of the weekend, here’s what’s doing:

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A Taste of Spring: Martha’s opens this weekend, which is always the happiest reminder that spring is on the way! A dish of vanilla with rainbow sprinkles is most certainly in my future. Grab the details here!

St. Patrick’s Day Sweets: If you’re a fan of The Muffin Top Baker’s cookies, you’re in luck (the luck of the Irish, perhaps?!) - she’ll be having a pop up this Saturday and again on Tuesday featuring plenty of festive St. Patrick’s Day options - follow along with her on Facebook here for all the details!

Brunch at Raul’s: We did a double take when we saw a Sunday brunch post on Raul’s Instagram feed - they’re talking cured salmon tacos, chorizo-egg-hash burritos and mimosas - sign us up! Details here.

Curbside at Farmers Market: If you’ve got a hankering for some Farmers Market favorites but haven’t wanted to venture out, good news - you can now shop the Glens Falls Farmers Market online and arrange for curbside pick up! Place your order here, or you can always shop in person at The Cool Insuring Arena on Saturdays from 9am - noon.

Have a great weekend!
Bri + Tom

The Weekender: March 5 - 7

Happy weekend! There’s sunshine in the forecast, the days seem a little longer, and we’ve got just a touch of spring in our step heading into the weekend. Here’s what looks good:

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Craft on 9: They’re back! So excited to see Craft on 9 back open as of today and it looks like they’re offering indoor dining and take-out. So excited to have another of our favorites back in rotation! Details here.

Indoor Dining at Doc’s: Speaking of favorites, we’ve loved getting Doc’s to go the last couple of months, and they’ve just re-opened for indoor dining this week too (and with a fabulous new spring menu, no less - check it out here!).

Adirondack Blooms: Can’t wait to start filling the house with spring and summer blooms, and we were psyched to stumble across a new to us flower farm on Instagram - @adirondackblooms! The owner, Chelsea, will be doing flower subscriptions this summer with pickup at WorkSmart downtown, and she’s offering 15% off subscriptions through March 9 with code WORKSMART. Details here!


Arthur’s Market Grand Opening: We’ve been following along with Arthur’s Market in the Historic Stockade District of Schenectady on Instagram for quite some time now as they’ve restored a neighborhood café built in 1795 (!!). Their grand opening is this weekend, and we’re excited to take a mini road trip to check them out sometime soon. Check them out here (and if you decide to go, they’re asking everyone to reserve a shopping slot here to keep crowds to a minimum this first weekend.

Have a great weekend!
Bri + Tom

The Weekender: February 26 - 28

Happy weekend! The sun is shining, the snow is melting, and we’re gearing up to flip the calendar to March on Monday. We’re so ready for spring, outdoor gatherings, and .. okay, we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Here’s what’s doing this weekend:

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Burger Night: Have you guys tried Backdoor Burger yet? Tom has been talking about getting a burger for weeks, and I just saw that mac and cheese is now on the menu, so we may just give it a try! If you’re up for a burger night too, here are their details.

Ice Cream for a Good Cause: You never need to twist our arms when ice cream is involved, but when we saw that Southy’s Soft Serve in SGF is opening up this weekend to raise money for the South High Marathon Dance (20% of all sales will be donated!), we were 100% on board. Vanilla with rainbow sprinkles, please! Details here.


Maple Tour: Maple season is upon us! We just stumbled upon this self drive maple tour put together by Taste NY and we’re already dreaming about maple candy and maple caramel corn - details here!


Bear’s Cup on Rachael Ray: Did you catch the owners of Bear’s Cup Bolton on Rachael Ray this past week? We’ve been fans even before they were famous 😉 (see our story on them here!), but if you’d like to sample some of their bagel and pastry goodness, pop in this weekend or order for Sunday delivery, since this is their last weekend open before they close for the month of March. Details here.


Have a great weekend!
Bri + Tom

The Weekender: February 12 - 14

Happy weekend and Happy Valentine’s Day! We’re mulling over our date night take-out options and thinking it might just be wise to celebrate with dinner to go all three nights this weekend…it’s Covid times - why not?! Here’s a few things that caught our eye:

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Valentine’s Day, To-Go: So many great options to choose from this weekend, including a fabulous Valentine’s Week menu from Doc’s (sign us up for the wild mushroom ravioli!), amazing choices on the Date Night menu at Morgan and Co. (hello surf and turf!), a superb tasting menu at Radici, Sunday brunch (!!) at farmacy, and so much more.

Ice Sculptures at The Hyde: While The Hyde is closed to indoor guests, we were excited to see an outdoor exhibition on the calendar! A Winter of Hope ice sculpture exhibition starts tomorrow (February 12), located on The Hyde's front lawn. The art will be accessible day and night - grab the details here!


Winterfest: Another pandemic pivot, Winterfest is taking the place of the Winter Carnival in Lake George this year! With a lakeside ice skating rink, guided hikes, snowshoeing, horse drawn carriage rides, and hot chocolate stations, there’s a little something for everyone. Check out the details here!


Wild Lights: Need a change of scenery? We hear ya. We stumbled across the Wild Lights event at the Wild Center in Tupper Lake, and strolling the illuminated path looks like a pretty magical way to spend an evening! It’s included in a daytime admission ticket too, so you could always make a day of it - details here.

Have a great weekend!
Bri + Tom

The Weekender: February 5 - 7

Happy weekend, and Happy February! What’s on the agenda? With temps above 30º this weekend, it’s going to feel like a heatwave, and we’re planning to soak it up. A little snowshoeing perhaps? Lawn chairs in the snow for happy hour? Why not?! Here’s what else is on our radar:

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Jazz Night: It’s back at The Q! Spread out in their spacious lobby and listen to the sounds of the Ray Alexander Jazz Trio while you enjoy a cold beverage and some of their delicious apps - social distancing at its finest. Details here.

Take-Out Date Night: Did you catch our First Look at downtown’s newest restaurant - Alif Café?! The menu looks amazing and we can’t wait to try it out this weekend - and we might just need to grab the cookie butter rolled ice cream for dessert. Catch the story and get their details here!

Valentine’s Day Prep: Yes, it’s 10 days away, but you’re going to want to fight your inner procrastinator to snag some of these gifts, since their order deadlines are soon - check out Alchemy Bagel for their amazing macarons, Gourmet Cafe for their truffles and chocolate covered strawberries, Floral Divine for beautiful bouquets, Abby’s Cookie Jar for their cookie DIY kits…we could go on!

Speaking of Valentine’s Day…: The Shirt Factory is hosting a Valentine’s Day One Stop Shop this weekend, with plenty of unique gift ideas from local makers - get the details here!

Have a great weekend!
Bri + Tom