The Weekender: March 8-10

Happy weekend! Spring is in the air, Daylight Saving Time is upon us, and there’s lots on the calendar - here’s what looks good!


Glens Falls Restuarant Week: Hope you’re hungry! Restaurant Week runs through Saturday in Glens Falls. Restaurants will be offering multi-course prix-fixe lunch and dinner menus at great deals. Participating restaurants include Fenimore’s Pub, Morgan and Company (check out their Titanic theme menu here!), Park & Elm, Radici Kitchen & Bar, Mint, and more! Grab the details here.

Rewind at The Park: The most authentic British Invasion experience this side of the Atlantic, The Brit Pack, performs live on Friday night at 8pm at The Park Theater. Sounds like they journey through a variety of British classics that we all know and love, including The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Queen, Elton John, The Who, Oasis, The Police, and many more. Learn more and get tickets here!

Second Saturday Flea: Stop by the Second Saturday Flea Market at The Shirt Factory this Saturday from 10am-5pm! Antiques, vintage, collectibles, and more — and all the shops of The Shirt Factory, of course. Find out more here!

Hockey Night: The Adirondack Thunder are home again this Saturday night! Grab dinner downtown and head over to the game, which starts at 7pm. Scoop up tickets here!


Maple Season: ‘Tis the season! The sap is flowing and sweet treats abound at some of our favorite sugar shacks. We shared a list of four of our favorites to visit here, and this also happens to be the first weekend of Thurman Maple Days which runs through March - check out more on all ten sites of that tour here!

Have a great weekend!
Bri + Tom

Four Upstate NY Maple Farms to Visit This Season

Vermont typically gets all the love when it comes to maple syrup, but we're lucky to have a long list of amazing maple farms right here in our own back yard! And this time of year, a little road trip and a lotta maple is pretty much the best thing to beat cabin fever. So, if you're up for something sweet, here are a few of our favorite upstate sugar shacks to visit!

Toad Hill Maple Farm

Toad Hill Maple Farm | Athol, NY: The largest of the bunch, the timberframe sugar house at Toad Hill is a beauty. Bonus points for the covered bridge on property, and the tour and wagon ride that takes you over it and through their sugarbush! 
Don't leave without: an enormous bag of maple caramel corn, along with the biggest maple leaf bottle of syrup you can buy.

Rathbuns Maple

Rathbun's Maple Sugar House | North Granville, NY: A local favorite year round for their breakfast! The smell of maple wafting through the air is a welcome greeting here and we always love watching them boil sap into syrup from above in the sugar house. Looks like they’ll be making syrup every weekend in March as long as the temperatures allow!
Don't leave without: devouring their pancake breakfast. Get there early!

Mapleland Farm

Mapleland Farms | Salem, NY: Home of an all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast, and one of the prettiest views in Washington County. We love checking out their specialty products - need some maple mustard? They've got you covered ;) Check out their Facebook page for details, and check out a longer feature we have on them here!
Don't leave without: a bag full of their maple candy (it melts in your mouth!) and a pic of the syrup samples in the window, of course.

Mud Street Maple

Mud Street Maple | Athol, NY: Mud Street has made a name for themselves with their bourbon-barrel aged maple syrup and their infused syrups, as well as their traditional maple goods. You can’t go wrong combining the rich maple flavor with other favorites like vanilla, coffee, and cinnamon!
Don’t leave without: a maple s’more. Word is they’ll have a fire pit with said treats every weekend in March, and we can’t wait to get our paws on one!

Would love to hear your favorite spots in the comments below!

Good Dog: Murray Murphy

Good dog, Murray! This 10 year old American Pitbull Terrier and American Staffordshire Terrier mix is all smiles as he lives the good life in Glens Falls after being rescued from a tough life in Texas. His mom, Emily Murphy, shares more about the chance meeting that brought them together, his affinity for Thomas’ English Muffins, and some local dog friendly favorites…

On Meeting Murray 

I actually met Murray at the Charles R. Wood Theater where I work! I had been Executive Director for about 3 weeks, was 24 years old and still in grad school and thought I already had enough life changes happening, what was one more? It was funny, I was in my office with the door closed when I heard a knock on the door and had to finish up a call before I could answer. When I came out, it was just this little guy standing there with no human.

After a second, I saw the human around the corner — Bridget Dunigan, who was the Managing Director at Adirondack Theatre Festival at the time. She was looking to drop something off for me and he was there with her. I just assumed he was her dog, but it didn’t stop me from obsessing over him. Our Box Office Manager at the time, Dan Cowan, told Bridget in an e-mail that I hadn’t stopped talking about her dog and to please bring him by anytime.

A week or so later, they came back and I started asking questions about him. Come to find out, Bridget was fostering him through a rescue called Rescue Dogs Rock in New York City. He ended up in New York after he was rescued in Texas, having sadly been used for dog fighting then dumped before he was brought to the Callaghan Road Animal Hospital in San Antonio where they saved his life and got him stable for transport. All that mattered to me in that moment was that she had said ‘foster’ and that meant he was available to be adopted. I immediately texted my mother that I had found ‘the one’ and made plans to have a trial sleepover that weekend and a playdate with some dog friends in the family to see how he would acclimate. Everything went perfectly and he moved in a few days later on April 29, 2017.

He was unfortunately heartworm positive when he was rescued, but the folks at For Pet’s Sake Veterinary Center took incredible care of him and continue to to this day. Otherwise, he was ready to love and be loved and I am so glad he knocked on my door that day!

On Murray’s World

Now that he’s gotten a little older (being a rescue, we’ll never be sure of his age, but we think he was about 3 when I adopted him 7 years ago, so about 10 now) he definitely has acquired the personality of a grumpy old man. We always say, “it’s Murray’s world and we’re just living in it!”. He likes to nap when he wants, where he wants and does not like to risk getting his velvet ears wet in the rain or snow. He loves his Grandma (my mother, who still hasn’t forgiven me for getting her hopes up about a human ‘the one’) and they love to curl up and watch a Hallmark movie when I’m working long days at the theater. 

He also goes to ‘camp’ with Adirondack Sniffari twice a week where he gets to go on adventures with Camp Counselors Caitlin and Tom and he learns so many new things. He does go solo as he can get a little overwhelmed by other dogs because of his history, but he has no problem being the center of attention. He loves all humans and will protect them from the neighborhood squirrels by chasing them around the backyard until he tires himself out, then you’re on your own while he’s napping.

Murray with his mom, Emily Murphy

On Social Media Fame 

Murray has gone semi-viral a few times on various platforms. The first time, because he inexplicably became obsessed with Thomas’ English Muffins - that brand only. Truly, I conducted an experiment with control muffins and a hidden GoPro in the kitchen and he would only take out Thomas’ English Muffins and just carry the package to his bed and hold them when home alone. Not even eat them, just kind of sit with them. I entered him into their #1 English Muffin Fan contest and he won! They sent us a huge box of toys, a personalized bandana, orange balls and even a 3D printed gold medal English Muffin.

He also went viral on TikTok after finding a nest of bunnies under the porch in the backyard. He nudged them all out onto the grass and cried until I came out, and they were so small I didn’t even know what they were. He was so worried about them as if they were his babies and I was worried that he would hurt them in some way, even accidentally. But, he just sat by them and watched over them. Right away, we had North Country Wild Care come and re-nest them and we covered them so he couldn’t get to them but their Mom still could. Still, he would just sit and watch them until they eventually grew out of the nest and headed out on their own. Whenever a bunny comes across our yard, I like to think its one of his children or grandchildren coming back to say hi!

Sharing his stories got him a lot of attention across social media and landed him a spot as the family dog in the local film Forget-Me-Nots by Caitlin Stedman and Kayla Romanowski and he was even included as one of the rescue dogs in local author Elizabeth Macy’s book Lucky’s Adventures in Winter Wonderland. It always means so much to me to see bully breeds being celebrated in the media and shown for the happy, loyal and goofy dogs they are!

On Local Dog Friendly Favorites 

As I said, Murray loves being the center of attention, so taking a walk around downtown is his favorite. Often, folks will ask to pet him and say hello and he loves getting pats and told how handsome he is. We love to walk over to the electrical box outside of St. Mary’s that his (and my!) dear friend Shelley Fairbanks painted - he is the big brown smiling mug on the side facing Warren Street! He loves to explore around Crandall Park and if the playground is empty, hop up on the slide to show ‘All Paws’ that he learned at camp!

We’re big fans of Davidson Brothers’ dog menu (he usually opts for the grilled chicken) and he’s been known to join me at any of the amazing restaurants with outdoor seating like Fenimore’s, farmacy and Raul’s! They always bring out a cold bowl of water with the cold margaritas at Raul’s, which we love!

On the Unconditional Love of a Dog 

Being able to come home after a long day and having a little tail wagging when they see you regardless of what may have gone wrong that day is such a gift. Your dog doesn’t care if you messed up at work, got in an argument with a friend, had your shirt on backwards all day and no one told you - they’re just happy to see you. An unconditional love like that of a dog is so special and unlike any other connection we experience as humans. Plus, giving a dog (especially a rescue dog) a happy, safe and healthy home is such a rewarding feeling. I’m only 31, but being a part of bringing a dog from bait dog in dog fighting ring to an adored and celebrated superstar pitbull advocate may be one of the greatest things I’ll ever achieve.

Good dog, Murray! To read more in our Good Dog series, click here.
Would you like to nominate a pup to be featured in our Good Dog series (your pup maybe?!)? Email us at or
send us a note here.

The Weekender: March 1 - 3

Thursday already! Sharing a few ideas for the agenda, including a fun show downtown, great deals at your favorite downtown restaurants, where to find your favorite barrel aged drinks, and more…


SHMD: It’s South High Marathon Dance weekend! As a South High alum, I [Bri] can attest that there’s really nothing quite like the energy and emotion in the building as hundreds of students dance for 28 hours straight for an amazing cause (you can see this year’s recipients here). If you’re so inclined, there’s still time to donate online - here’s the link! Let’s go Bulldogs!

24 Hour Play Fest: Create, Compete, Collapse! Play Fest brings 70+ volunteers together at The Wood Theater for an unforgettable 24 hour race to put on a show - with each randomly formed team (1 writer, 1 director and 3-4 actors) getting just 24 hours to write, rehearse, memorize and stage a ten-minute play. Grab tickets here to watch what they come up with on Saturday night and vote for your favorite!

North Country Wedding Expo: If wedding planning is in your future, you won’t want to miss the Wedding Expo on Sunday from 12-3pm at The Queensbury Hotel! Chat with vendors (from florists and DJs to officiants and bakeries!) - get the details and pre-register here.

Barrel Fest: Head to Adirondack Brewery on Saturday from 2-5pm for their 12th Annual Barrel Fest! Enjoy barrel-aged beer, cider, and wine, as well as live music, a bonfire, fireworks, free snacks, and more! Grab the scoop here.

Coming Up Next Week…

Glens Falls Restuarant Week: Hope you’re hungry! Restaurant Week kicks off on Sunday in Glens Falls and runs through Saturday, March 9. Restaurants will be offering multi-course prix-fixe lunch and dinner menus at great deals. Participating restaurants include Fenimore’s Pub, Morgan and Company, Park & Elm, Radici Kitchen & Bar, Mint, and more! Grab the details here.

Have a great weekend!
Bri + Tom

My Glens Falls: April Greene

This week, we chatted with April Greene! She shares what brought her to the area from Pennsylvania over 15 years ago, a favorite spot in Glens Falls for Pakistani food, a bit about her love for digging (and selling!) rare crystals, and more…

Tell us about yourself!

My name is April Greene. I met my partner and the love of my life, Kevin Drake, a very talented tattoo artist, working at Forged Tattoo Co. in Hudson Falls. Shortly after we met, we began running an Etsy shop (@mossomrocks) selling beautiful, rare crystals and have been going strong for the past 9 years. We fell in love with crystals and started visiting different spots around the area to dig our own. By far, our favorite crystals to dig are Herkimer Diamonds, which are only found in one location in the entire world — Herkimer County, NY. It’s a fun hobby and turned out to be a great business venture at the same time!

In 2017, Kevin and I were featured in Adirondack Life Magazine for a wikiup structure that we built out of sticks, logs and moss. It was an incredible experience to have a whole spread in such an outstanding magazine. What an honor!

We have four wonderful children, ages 18, 15, 14 and 12. I’ve been a stay at home mom since 2006, so my other hobbies include laundry, cooking, cleaning and driving my kids around — fun stuff like that. 

On Life In and Around Glens Falls

I have lived in Glens Falls for the past 16 years after relocating from Allentown, Pennsylvania and not knowing anyone or anything about this area. My family had decided they wanted to relocate to upstate NY and since we are all very close, we packed up three households and made the move to Glens Falls along with my parents and my sister and her family.

One of my favorite things about the area is the hometown vibe. Moving here from a larger city was a big change, but a wonderful one. I love that the beautiful Adirondack Mountains surround us. I love the community and the schools. You can really see the effort. I have met so many amazing people in the time I have lived here.

A Perfect Glens Falls Day

An ideal day in Glens Falls? Where to start?! 

We’d have to begin the day at Juicin’ Jar. Their juices and smoothies are simply the best and always delivered with a smile. I absolutely love Rockhill Bakehouse too! Their soups and sandwiches are always fresh and made with love, but have you tried their Pakistani food? Wow, it’s incredible! 

My family and I have always loved walking along the Feeder Canal, so we would have to do that and end the day at the Cool Insuring Arena to watch our favorite hockey team, the Adirondack Thunder! For dinner, hands down it’s Siam Thai. Their food never disappoints. 

On the Past

While I did not grow up here, my favorite memories in the 16 years residing and raising my children here are enjoying the local activities. My children participated in Little League through the Glens Falls Youth Baseball and Softball program, the Memorial Day Parade (which we still never miss), the hot air balloons, LARAC, the Crandall Public Library, and all of the events in the City. We have many special memories. 

On the Future

If I could wave a magic wand and bring something new to the area it would definitely be a small bar/music venue similar to the one that used to be upstairs at 42°. We loved going there. They always had open mic, live music, affordable drinks and free pool — how can you beat that? It was a really cool vibe and there is nothing better than live music!

I absolutely look forward to the future of my children being grown up in Glens Falls — seeing whether or not they stay rooted, or fly the nest and return one day. There are so many beautiful reasons to stay planted in Glens Falls!

The Weekender: February 23-25

Hey there and happy weekend! Sharing a few ideas for the agenda, including a comedy show, ice cream for a good cause, an art exhibition opening downtown, and more…


Here and There at Mountain Gallery: Head to Mountain Gallery on Friday at 5pm for the opening of Here & There, featuring works from regional artists including Susan Beadle, Eden Compton, Cindi Handy, Fred Holman, Ann Larsen, Gary Larsen, Ronn Mattia, Jill Murphy, Pamela Stendardi, and Diane Swanson. Find out more here!

Comedy After Dark: Date night! Grab dinner downtown and then head over to The Park Theater for Comedy After Dark. As seen and heard on Comedy Central and NBC’s Last Comic Standing, Mike Lebovitz will be on stage at The Park on Friday at 8pm! Grab tickets here.

Hometown Hockey: The Adirondack Thunder are home again this weekend with games on Friday and Saturday night at 7pm. Get the details and tickets here!

Winter Flea Market: Pop into The Shirt Factory on Saturday from 10-5pm for their Winter Flea Market! collectibles, antiques, rare and unusual finds, plus the shops of The Shirt Factory - details here

Ice Cream for a Good Cause: Head over the bridge to South Glens Falls this weekend for a little taste of summer at Southy’s annual ice cream weekend in support of the South High Marathon Dance! They’ll be donating 20% of all ice cream sales to SHMD - get the scoop here!

Have a great weekend!
Bri + Tom

Good Dog: Charlie

It’s high time we talk about the dogs of Glens Falls, don’t you think?! We’re excited to kick off this new series with one of the most handsome dogs in town - Charlie! His mom, Erin Glock (who we chatted with in a My Glens Falls story here), shared more about meeting Charlie for the first time, his work as a therapy dog, and some local dog friendly favorites…

On Meeting Charlie

I vividly remember the first time we met him. I was finishing up a triathlon with a group of friends in Kingston, NY, and my husband Mike and our other two pups at the time, Sammy and Willie, came to cheer me on. On the way home we stopped in Athens at our breeder Joy’s home to pick him out. We also got Sammy and Willie from her as well, so it was a bit of a family reunion. 

The puppies were five weeks old at the time and we had first pick! I hopped right in the whelping box and snuggled all of them. It was impossible to narrow it down — I thought I had one picked out with the red ribbon, but Mike said the green ribbon pup was the one. He always jokes that I didn’t want Charlie. 

Three weeks later we drove back down and picked up the green ribbon puppy, who had turned into a 15 pound fluff ball. We also loved that all three of our dogs were related biologically. Since then, Charlie is one of the best dressed pups in a bow tie every day. 

On Favorite Activities

Charlie has been a pretty laid back and lovable guy since he was a puppy. He is a momma’s boy and thinks he is a lap dog. He can be goofy and playful, he enjoys the occasional game of fetch, swimming, hiking and being a connoisseur of toilet paper.

On Being a Therapy Dog

We’d have to say his favorite activity is being a registered Therapy Dog through Therapy Dogs International. He spends his time visiting staff and patients at Glens Falls Hospital a few times a week and goes to Crandall Public Library once a month where children read to him. If you see him while he is working, ask for a Charlie sticker — they are a hot commodity. 

On Local Dog Friendly Favorites

You can find Charlie walking around town, on the Queensbury Rec trails with his sister Penny, or visiting some of our dog friendly establishments (Davidson’s, Common Roots, and Dancing Grain to name a few). He is also working on his ADK-9 hiking patch and can’t wait to explore more of the Adirondacks.

Good boy, Charlie! Would you like to nominate a pup to be featured in our Good Dog series (your pup maybe?!)? Email us at or send us a note here.

My Glens Falls: Diana Kloepfer

We chatted with Diana Kloepfer this week! She shares what drew her to this area from Long Island, what has made her feel most at home here, her favorite spot for cocktails and dinner downtown, and more…

Tell us about yourself!

Hi! I'm Diana Kloepfer. I am a Chef and Culinary Artist. I currently hold the position of Sous Chef at The Gem in Bolton Landing. I also have my own cake and private chef business, known as The Aquarian Culinarian. I live with my fiancé, who is a Glens Falls native, and our pup, who goes by the name Angelo.

On Life In and Around Glens Falls

I have called Glens Falls home for almost 8 years. I moved here from Long Island in October of 2016. I have wanted to live near the Adirondacks since I first came up here on family vacation when I was 12. It was love at first sight.

I didn't know much about Glens Falls until I met my future husband. He grew up in Glens Falls and we ended up getting our first apartment on Harrison Ave. I was immediately drawn to the charm of downtown. After the first LARAC Arts Festival that I attended, I knew I was exactly where I needed to be.

Since moving here I have formed lifelong connections and friendships with empowering individuals. The group of women friends I have formed, as well as the fellow entrepreneurs, creatives, and makers I have met, all inspire me on a daily basis. It's quite literally magic to feel supported in your dreams and encouraged to be your true self by the environment around you. Glens Falls has brought a missing puzzle piece to my life and I am so grateful to be here. 

Some Glens Falls Favorites

My favorite thing about Glens Falls is that it lives up to the Hometown USA vibe. The community is full of some truly talented people with a shared vision of continuing to make Glens Falls a great place to call home. The murals that have gone up, the Arts District, the culinary scene, the tattoo shops, thrift stores, small businesses, work spaces, coffee shops, fitness options, Farmers Market, Crandall Park and Coles Woods...we truly have it all. My favorite hidden gems include Kind Cycling, Black Walnut Books, Sweet Side Records, the winding trails of Coles Woods and Pure n' Simple Foods.

A Perfect Glens Falls Day

A perfect Glens Falls day would be a Saturday morning trip to the Farmers Market, followed by a hearty breakfast at Juicin' Jar, and then a fun shopping trip to Finders Keepers. I’d enjoy a nice walk through City Park and around town to admire all of the historic buildings and then drive over to the Arts District for a visit to the shops and studios in The Shirt Factory. An afternoon scone from Rockhill Bakehouse to hold over until dinner is always a great idea. From there, getting some mindful movement in with a class at Kind Cycling or Hot Yoga Queensbury to work up an appetite for some well-deserved craft cocktails and culinary delights at no place other than [farmacy]. You can find me there about once a week. 

On the Past

A favorite Glens Falls memory of mine is the day I came up from Long Island to sign the lease to our first apartment. It just so happened to be the same day as the Balloon Festival evening event at Crandall Park. I had never seen hot air balloons up close before, and we were able to walk there from where I would be calling home soon. I remember feeling so excited that this was going to be my new home. It was amazing to walk around my new local park, with hot air balloons tethered all around me, with families gathered and music playing. It was the perfect way to start a new chapter. It felt like a "welcome home" party in a way. 

On the Future

I know exactly what I would bring to downtown, but for now I can't say too much about it. I am hoping to find the perfect location to one day open up a business of my own and join the small business community I love so much. Until then, I am enjoying all the new places that call Glens Falls home. 

The Weekender: February 16-18

Happy weekend! Winter is still holding on, so we’re rounding up a list of fun activities to take advantage (outside and inside!)…


Thunder Hockey: Cheer on the home team this Friday and Saturday night- the puck drops at 7pm both nights. Let’s go Thunder! Tickets here.

This Weekend at The Park: Lots going on at The Park Theater this weekend, starting with a performance by Acoustic Nomads on Friday night — a cross of South American folk music and Northern Americana. On Saturday night, head to The Park for The Johnny Cash Express, a special musical journey honoring the music and lives of Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash. Find more info and tickets for both here!

Fish Fry Friday: Cruise down to Common Roots on Friday nights through the end of March for their Fish Fry Fridays - always a favorite! Get the details here.

Chili Cook Off: Is there anything better than a warm bowl of chili on a cold day? Check out the Farmers Market this Saturday for their annual Chili Cook Off from 9am-noon at the Aviation Mall (in addition to shopping the usual fantastic vendors!) - details here!

Fire on the Mountain: Head up to West Mountain this Saturday night from 7-11pm for fireworks, a torchlight parade, a bonfire, live music, skiing and tubing (of course!), and lots more. Get the scoop here!

Have a great weekend!
Bri + Tom

My Glens Falls: Joshua Jevons

We caught up with Joshua Jevons this week! He shares what brought him back to the area after spending almost a decade in Colorado, an area event that has become a favorite yearly tradition, a go-to dinner spot with the kids, and more…

Tell us about yourself!

My name is Joshua Jevons. I’m a father of two boys and a husband to an amazing wife. 
I’m a creative director and designer. I own and operate Jevons Design, a brand building studio that specializes in bringing brands to life via brand identity, packaging design, website design, and everything in between. 

On Life In and Around Glens Falls

I was born and raised in Rensselaer, NY but I moved to Denver, CO in 2013 to cut my teeth in the creative industry working at a handful of design shops and advertising agencies.

After living in the west for almost a decade, my wife and I started a family and decided to move closer to home so our children can grow up around their cousins, grandparents, aunts and uncles. In 2020 we moved to Queensbury. We chose the area because we love the idea of being near a small city with energy and life while also having quick access to the outdoors. Being right outside the blue line gives us the ability to enjoy the Adirondacks and their natural beauty while still having access to all the amenities Glens Falls and the surrounding area has to offer. 

A Perfect Glens Falls Day

We love the size of downtown. Everything is within walking distance from each other. Can’t go wrong grabbing breakfast at Kru or Spot Coffee, taking the kids to the amazing library. Maybe have a beer at Common Roots before catching an Adirondack Thunder game. Coopers Cave Ale Company is always a good option with the kids. 

On the Past

Since we’re new to the area I don’t have old memories but I’ve gone to the Adirondack Balloon Festival every year since we’ve moved here. My son loves it and I remember the first time we went, how much fun he had. He was so pumped to watch all the balloons inflate and fly away. 

On the Future

To be honest, the area has almost everything you could ask for. But I think in general we could use more young families and more creative/entrepreneurial energy in town. There’s a lot of opportunity here.

Selfishly I’d love to see a vegetarian/vegan restaurant since I’ve been a vegetarian my whole life and the only one we had closed down. 

Back in the Day: The Blizzard of 1914

The thermometer on the piazza of the Hotel Madden on South Street registered 13 degrees at 2:30 a.m. Feb. 6, 1914, the most up-to-date reporting before printing of The Post-Star that morning.

“Persons who noticed boys playing marbles in Glens Falls yesterday and thought spring had come have another thing coming. Spring is several weeks off yet, and the thermometers this morning are the best evidence that winter still has us in its grip.”

Photo courtesy of Chapman Historical Museum in Glens Falls

Photo courtesy of Chapman Historical Museum in Glens Falls

Indeed, Old Man Winter, or Mother Nature, whichever gender metaphor you prefer, had been merely taking a nap to awake eight days later and dump more than two-and-a-half feet of snow on Glens Falls and the surrounding area in a Valentine’s Day blizzard that was anything but a sweetheart.

“The city and the surrounding district was at the center of the storm scene, and, according to Professor C.L. Williams, between 30 and 32 inches had fallen before the wrath of the elements had been spent,” The Post-Star reported.

Williams, a physics and chemistry teacher at Glens Falls Academy, tracked the local weather and filed detailed monthly reports with the city Water Department.

Thirty-two inches of snow was reported in Hudson Falls, 39 inches in Fort Edward, and 45 inches in Corinth, the hardest hit of communities in the region.

In Glens Falls, it was the heaviest 24-hour snow fall since 1888, coming after just 13.5 inches of snow in the entire month of January 1914.

“Those people who long wished for an old fashion winter have no cause to complain of the blizzard which descended in our midst and promises to remain for some time,” The Post-Star editorialized.

Light snow began falling in Glens Falls at 10 p.m. Feb. 13, and had grown heavy by the next morning, continuing to fall until about 4 p.m. on Saturday, Valentine’s Day.

Drifting would continue to be a problem, particularly on rural highways, for several days.

Downtown shops and many area factories closed at noon Saturday.

The Union Bag Company shut down machines, fed its workers 600 sandwiches and then sent them home, staying shut down until Wednesday.

The twenty-five cent chicken pie supper at Psychical Hall was postponed until Tuesday.

Trolley and rail service was interrupted, shifting transit demand to a limited number of horse-drawn taxies.

“A well-known liveryman stated last evening that if all the horses in the city could have been secured Saturday noon they could not possibly have accommodated the demand for them.”

Photo courtesy of Chapman Historical Museum in Glens Falls

Photo courtesy of Chapman Historical Museum in Glens Falls

Even horses had difficulty getting through the snow.

“One (Hudson Falls) grocery firm with possibly more determination than its competitors sent its delivery sleigh across the Whitehall bridge,” The Post-Star reported. “Upon reaching a point near Feeder and LaBarge streets, the snow was found to be so deep that the animal could not move.”

It was peril mixed with artistry.

“After the storm, the city, especially the business district, presented a sight beautiful to the eye,” The Post-Star reported.

A Norse spirit prevailed as residents planted U.S. flags and comical signs in the tops of 10-to-12-foot snow banks.

Where a tunnel was shoveled through a snow bank to the entrance of Eastern Estate Tea Company, someone planted a sign, “Subway to Eastern Estate Tea Company.”

The blizzard brought an economic boom for able-bodied workers.

“Scores of men who had been out of work for months were made happy by being given employment shoveling snow.”

Yet, the employment came at a cost.

The Hudson Valley Railway Co. took a $7,500 hit to its bottom line – the equivalent of $195,000 in 2019 dollars -- $5,000 for manpower and an estimated $2,500 in lost fares.

The company hired 75 men and used 15 teams of horses to clear snow from the tracks and haul the snow away.

Trolley service was resumed in phases, starting with service between Glens Falls, Hudson Falls and Fort Edward at 6 p.m. Saturday and the first trolley car sent from Glens Falls to Troy at noon Sunday.

The Post-Star editorialized that city officials should not be lax in clearing snow from the streets.

“It is not the time to stop to consider the expense. The health and comfort of our residents count more than money,” the editorial advised. “Get busy, ye city servants, and remove the snow.”


Sources: The Post-Star Feb. 3, 6, 16, 18, 19, 1914.

airmail line.png
Maury Thompson

Maury Thompson was a reporter for The Post-Star for 21 years before he retired in 2017. He now is a freelance writer and documentary film producer specializing in regional history. Thompson is collaborating with Snarky Aardvark Films to produce a documentary about Charles Evans Hughes and the Adirondacks, which is expected to release in 2020. See the trailer here.

The Weekender: February 9-11

Happy weekend! Hope you’ve enjoyed the sunshine this week — it felt a bit like spring and we’ll take it! Lots going on this weekend between the big game and early Valentine’s Day plans…here’s what caught our eye:


Hometown Teams: Stop by The Chapman Museum this weekend to check out their new exhibition, Hometown Teams, which explores the development of local baseball, hockey, and football teams alongside standout players, coaches, and games. Learn more and plan your visit here!

One Stop Shop for Valentine’s Day: Head to The Shirt Factory this Saturday from 11am-5pm for — you guessed it — a one stop shopping experience for Valentine’s Day! Get your shopping done ahead of time with options like floral arrangements, fudge, cookies, jewelry and more — all from local vendors. Details here!

Drinks for a Good Cause: Make your way over to SlickFin Brewing Company in Fort Edward on Saturday from 5-9pm for a drink or two in support of the South High Marathon Dance! SlickFin will be donating $1 from every beer purchased to SHMD - we’ll drink to that! Get the scoop here.

Coming up for Valentine’s Day…

Five Course Wine Dinner: Make your reservations for Valentine’s Day at The Park Theater’s “L'amour Provençal - Exploring the Food & Wine of Southern France & the Rhône Valley”. The wine dinner will feature a 5-course prix fixe menu and hand-selected wine pairings. Sounds like the perfect Valentine’s Day date night to us! Learn more and make your reservations here.

Valentine’s Day at Park 26: Enjoy a romantic night out in their candle-lit dining room with a custom menu including favorites like Lobster Bisque, a 16 oz Reserve Boneless Ribeye, and Chocolate Ganache Cheesecake for dessert — yes, please! Make your reservations here!


Lake George Winter Carnival: Head up to the Lake this weekend for some winter festivities! They’ll have a bonfire going at the beach, s’mores, fireworks over the lake on Saturday night, and lots more. Find the full schedule of events here!

Have a great weekend!
Bri + Tom

The Best Pizza in Glens Falls, According to Readers

Glens Falls might be a little city, but we’ve got a big love for our pizza. So, we enlisted the help of our Instagram and Facebook community to help us find the very best pizza in the area. Not surprisingly, there were a lot of opinions on the matter, but out of the many recommendations, there were a few clear winners. 

And so, if you’re looking for the best pizza within 15 minutes or so of Glens Falls, we’ve got you covered. Read on for the top picks from your neighbors, and start planning your pizza night (we have to try them all now, don’t we?!).  

Cheese Pizza, Chef Salad, and Wings from The Harvest • Photo: Bri Lyons for Glens Falls Living

#1 The Harvest

This was the top pick amongst those who responded! Readers love the sweet crust, flavorful sauce, and just the right amount of cheese.

There’s also a big nostalgia factor here - we got quite a few notes from people who have moved away from Glens Falls and list The Harvest pizza as one of the top things they miss from home! As one reader wrote in, “I live in Rhode Island and my family brings it to me because I love it so much!”.

It should be noted that while Rachael Ray did not weigh in on this poll, if she did, word on the street is that she would have picked The Harvest too. Just sayin’.

4 Cronin Road, Queensbury / Website

The Works Pizza from Talk of the Town • Photo: Bri Lyons for Glens Falls Living

#2 Talk of the Town

A close second, Talk of the Town pizza has big fans as well! Their homemade dough and sauce were frequent mentions amongst lovers of their plain pizza, and there were quite a few votes for The Works (including sausage with “just the right amount of spiciness”), and the Buffalo Wing pizza served with bleu cheese. Bonus points for their location which makes for easy pickup in the city!

74 Hudson Avenue, Glens Falls / Website

Angelina’s Cheese + Pepperoni Pizza • Photo: Bri Lyons for Glens Falls Living

#3 Angelina’s

Another frontrunner, Angelina’s scored big for their thin crust pizza, with one reader noting, “It’s the closest thing to NYC style pizza in the area”. Large slices, crispy crust, and plenty of specialty pizzas (one reader swears by the Grandmah - a square pizza with a mozzarella base topped with tomato sauce, parmigiana, & oregano!). Oh! And they deliver!

410 Bay Road, Queensbury / Website

#4 Queen of Harts

Regulars here love the consistency, flavor…and yes, the delivery, too! One reader declared this the “best tasting pizza in the area”, and there were quite a few who shared their love for the specialty pizzas, including the Joker (white pizza with ricotta and garlic), and the Hawaiian (with ham, pineapple, and bacon).

10 Lafayette Street, Queensbury / Website

Image courtesy of Common Roots

#5 Common Roots

Topped with everything from chicken parm to Italian sausage, the gourmet open hearth pizzas at Common Roots were a top choice amongst those who responded. “I like the combinations they come up with,” noted one reader, and another agreed, citing the 3B’s Knees as their favorite (which features hot honey, local bacon, brussels sprouts, and bleu cheese crumbles!). Whichever variety you choose, you can’t go wrong with a pie and a pint in their taproom!

58 Saratoga Avenue, South Glens Falls / Website

#6 Southy’s

Southy’s was another fan favorite, with top praises for their consistent quality. “Always consistently delicious!” said one reader, with another echoing, “Never hit and miss”. Important qualities in a pizza, don’t you think?! It doesn’t hurt that they just so happen to serve ice cream next door, which also got quite a few mentions. Pizza and ice cream - sold!

75 Saratoga Avenue, South Glens Falls / Website

Honorable Mentions

You can never have enough pizza, right? Here are a few more recommendations we received:

Downtown City Tavern • 21 Elm Street, Glens Falls / Website

Rocco’s • 132 Glen Street, Glens Falls / Website

Would love to hear which is your favorite in the comments below! Pizza for dinner tonight, anyone?

My Glens Falls: Jen Wright


This content in this article is sponsored by Hudson Headwaters Health Network.
Thank you for supporting the local businesses that support our work at Glens Falls Living.

We caught up with Jen Wright this week, who you might recognize as a Physician Assistant with Hudson Headwaters Health Network! She shares what she loves most about working in the field of medicine, some favorite local activities, and more…

Tell us a bit about yourself! 

My name is Jen Wright and I reside in Washington County with my husband and our daughter. I work as a physician assistant at Hudson Headwaters Health Network. One of the things I enjoy most about my job is the incredible variety that it offers. Whether I’m working in our urgent care centers, or helping out with sick day visits in our primary care offices, or seeing patients for gynecological visits, each day presents unique challenges and opportunities.

However, the aspect of my job that I enjoy the most is delivering gender affirming care for patients who are transgender. Many individuals within the transgender community face obstacles in accessing safe gender affirming hormone therapy and preventive health care. This can result in individuals avoiding necessary care, jeopardizing their overall health. By integrating transgender care into our services, Hudson Headwaters is following its mission to provide the best healthcare, and access to that care, for everyone in our communities.

On Life in and around Glens Falls

I have always been somewhat local to the Glens Falls area. My hometown is Galway in Saratoga County. I moved to Queensbury twelve years ago, following the completion of PA school and the beginning of my career with Hudson Headwaters. The area feels like home, and I am so happy to be here. 

Downtown Glens Falls has some amazing restaurants and shops. The easy access to Lake George, Saratoga, and the Adirondacks can’t be beaten. It’s a great place to live and raise a family.

On Favorite Local Activities

The Adirondacks have always held a special place in my heart. In the days before becoming a parent, I spent a lot of time hiking in the High Peaks and became an Adirondack 46er. However, it has been hard to find the time for big hikes since then, and I have been focusing more on hiking some of the smaller mountains around Lake George.

Last year I decided to take up running. One of the best things about running is its flexibility. I can lace up my sneakers and get out there whenever I have free time. It has been fun to explore all the different running trails we have in our area. I also like participating in different races on the weekends. I finished my first half marathon in October and am training for another one this spring.

On Making an Impact

While it probably sounds cliché, the most rewarding aspect of being a PA and working in the field of medicine is the opportunity to make a positive impact on people’s lives. Throughout most of my career, my focus has been directed towards serving underserved populations, with a particular emphasis on extending care to the transgender community. My goal is to provide a safe space for transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming individuals to receive healthcare.

On Teamwork

One of the best things about working at Hudson Headwaters is the teamwork. I feel fortunate to be working with a large network of skilled providers and support staff that are committed to helping patients with all aspects of their health.


Special thanks to Hudson Headwaters Health Network for making this story possible!

Discover the difference that comes with a rewarding career at Hudson Headwaters!

The non-profit network of nearly two dozen community health centers brings comprehensive primary care to North Country residents, regardless of their insurance status or ability to pay. The growing organization is constantly looking for talented, passionate individuals to join them in clinical and administrative capacities. Perks include comprehensive benefits, regular business hours, opportunities for growth, and an emphasis on work-life balance. Hudson Headwaters was named to Albany Business Review’s 2023 “Best Places to Work” and earned the distinction of “Best Medium-Sized Company to Work For” in The Post-Star’s 2023 Best of the Region.

Click here to see open positions and apply online today!

Thanks for supporting the businesses that support Glens Falls Living!

The Weekender: January 12 - 14

Happy weekend! We’re settling into winter over here, shovel at the ready and comfort food in regular rotation. Here’s what looks good enough to get you out of the house this weekend ;)


Lucky Puppy: Looking to add a pup to your family? Head to Benson’s Pet Center in Queensbury this Saturday from 11am-1pm for The Lucky Puppy Adoption Event. Submit your application, pet the adoptable pups, meet your new best friend! Details here.

Free Day at World Awareness Children’s Museum: Visit the museum for free this Sunday from 10am-3pm during their monthly Free Day! Find out more here.

Coming up next weekend…

Kind Cyclothon: Registration is officially open for the Kind Cyclothon and Common Roots Foundation benefit! Riders can sign up for either a 2-hour or 4-hour time slot and will individually raise money towards the cause. Find out more and sign up here!


Wine Tasting Lunch: Savor a farm fresh lunch while sampling four delicious wines at beautiful Dancing Ewe Farm in Granville! Get the scoop and grab your tickets here.


Winter Weekend at Santanoni: The grounds of Camp Santanoni up in Newcomb are open this weekend for snowshoeing or skiing (and a peek into the Great Camp!). The 10 mile round trip allows you to explore the Gate Lodge and Main Lodge and enjoy some beautiful scenery along the way - details here!

Have a great weekend!
Bri + Tom

The Weekender: December 29 - 31

Happy weekend and Happy New Year! Hope you’ve had a great week with family and friends, and that you’ve got more fun plans ahead for the holiday weekend! Here are a few things that caught our eye:


Thunder Hockey: Cheer on the home team this Saturday and Sunday night- the puck drops at 7pm on Saturday and 5pm on Sunday. Let’s go Thunder! Tickets here.

“Noon” Year’s Eve: Celebrate at a kiddo friendly time and learn about New Year traditions around the world at the World Awareness Children’s Museum on Sunday at 11am! They’ll celebrate with a ball drop at noon - details here!

New Year’s Eve at The Q: There are a handful of tickets left for the always popular New Year’s Eve Party at The Queensbury Hotel! Music by Soul Session, snacks, photobooth, and open bar from 9pm to midnight - grab your tickets here before they sell out!

New Year’s Eve Fireworks: Head up to the lake and start the new year with a bang! The village of Lake George will host a fireworks display starting right at midnight launching from the pier at Shepard Park. Get the scoop here!

Have a great weekend and a Merry Christmas!
Bri + Tom

The Weekender: December 22-24

Happy weekend and an early Merry Christmas to you! Hope you’ve checked off every item on your to-do list and have plans to relax and enjoy the holiday with family. Here are a few festive ideas to keep in mind:


‘Twas the Market Before Christmas: Check a few items off your grocery list at the Glens Falls Farmers Market on Saturday morning from 9am-noon at the Aviation Mall! They’ll have an Ugly Sweater Contest, a chance to win a gift basket, and a visit from Santa! Details here.

Thunder Hockey: Cheer on the home team this Friday and Saturday - the puck drops at 7pm both nights. Let’s go Thunder! Tickets here.

Last Minute Dash: Pop in to The Shirt Factory for The Last Dash on Saturday from 10am-5pm to shop last minute gifts from shops and local vendors. Details are here!

Winter Realms: An immersive winter experience, including ice sculptures, ice skating, a snow park, and more - find out more here!

Have a great weekend and a Merry Christmas!
Bri + Tom

The Weekender: December 15-17

Happy weekend! Hard to believe Christmas is just over a week away! Guess we’d better get started on our shopping ;) Here’s what else looks good this weekend:


Holiday Open House at The Q: If you missed it last weekend, there’s another change to pop in to The Queensbury Hotel on Saturday from 10am-noon for their Holiday Open House! Check out their giant gingerbread display, visit with Santa, and enjoy crafts, activities, cookies, and refreshments! Get all the details here.

Thunder Hockey: Cheer on the home team this Friday and Saturday - the puck drops at 7pm both nights. Let’s go Thunder! Tickets here.

Holiday Open House at The Chapman: Head to The Chapman Museum this Saturday from 10am-4pm for crafts, refreshments, treats, and a visit from Santa from 1-3pm! Get the details here.

The Shirt Factory: Always a favorite for unique gifts (and supporting local!), head to The Shirt Factory to browse shops and vendors this Saturday and Sunday from 10-5 - details here!

Have a great weekend,
Bri + Tom

First Look: Northern Power and Light

This content in this article is sponsored by Northern Power and Light.
Thank you for supporting the local businesses that support our work at Glens Falls Living.

Have you heard about Northern Power & Light? They’re making a splash around town with their mission to connect energy users directly to new and existing local renewable resources, and we’re excited to spread the word! We caught up with the team at NP&L to hear more about the inspiration for starting the company, how hydroelectricity works, the benefits, how you can be a part of it, and more…

Warrensburg Hydro Facility • Image Courtesy of Northern Power & Light

A Bit of Background

Northern Power & Light is an independent renewable energy company based in Saranac Lake. We [brothers Emmett and Ethan Smith] founded the company with Louise Gava in 2018. It began with the purpose of connecting small-scale renewable energy generators in the North Country with local energy consumers using New York’s Community Distributed Generation system.

Our family has a background in electricity, and the first generator to have its power offered through the new platform was Azure Mountain Power, which was built by our father Everett and uncle Matt Foley in the early 1990’s. Azure Mountain Power is a 750 kW hydroelectric dam on the St. Regis River in St. Regis Falls.

Prior to founding Northern Power & Light, Emmett was the Curator at the Antique Boat Museum in Clayton, New York, and Ethan co-founded and co-owned a successful restaurant in Manhattan, Hecho en Dumbo, with his friend Danny Mena. Louise Gava was working for the Municipal Electric and Gas Alliance on a semi-related program. She now works in the energy industry and is a silent partner in Northern Power & Light.

On Starting Northern Power & Light

We have been around hydro since we were kids, but it had never been our focus.

In 2014, a large flood partially collapsed Azure Mountain Power’s old timber crib structure. The low and volatile price of power did not support financing a new concrete dam, so working as a family, we built a new timber crib. Emmett left his job at the museum to devote his time to the project, and that experience refocused his attention on the power plant and how it wasn’t financially viable at the current prices the utility company offered.

With so many new developments in the power business and New York’s support of renewable energy, it seemed like there must be a better way. After studying Energy Regulation at Vermont Law School, Emmett participated in a series of working groups in Albany developing the Community Distributed Generation program, which Northern Power & Light now uses. We [Ethan, Louise and Emmett] then developed the final business model. Louise was already working in the industry and brought essential knowledge about the regulatory landscape, while Ethan had experience in founding and running a business.

Financially, we knew we had to find a better way to support the local renewable resources, knowing how this existing infrastructure is important for both the economy of the North Country but also for the State’s Climate Goals. New York State’s Community Distributed Generation program allows the sale of community renewables like solar but also hydroelectricity directly to customers.

Azure Mountain Power was Northern Power & Light’s first project, but from the beginning it was clear we would need to grow beyond one small facility. In 2021, we partnered with Boralex Hydro to build a Community Distributed Generation program around Sissonville Hydro, their 3.1MW power plant on the Raquette River in Potsdam, New York.

Warrensburg is Northern Power & Light’s third project, bringing us to a new part of the North Country. For Boralex, based in South Glens Falls, it is fun to be doing a community project in their own backyard.

Inside the Warrensburg Hydro Facility • Image Courtesy of Northern Power & Light

On Making Connections

We do not own any hydro plants ourselves. Our business is the connector between plant owners and National Grid customers, making sure that folks in the upper and lower Adirondack region can access local, renewable, hydroelectricity.

We currently work with three plants: Azure Mountain Power in St. Regis Falls, which is owned by Emmett and Ethan’s father, Everett Smith. Sissonville Hydro is located in Potsdam and is owned by Boralex, as is the plant in Warrensburg that we are currently partnering with for the Glens Falls Community Hydro Project.

Azure Mountain Power in St. Regis Falls • Image Courtesy of Northern Power & Light

How It Works

The Glens Falls Community Hydro Project is a partnership between Boralex, Northern Power & Light, and the municipality of Glens Falls.

Northern Power & Light uses Community Distributed Generation, a New York State program, to sell locally generated hydroelectricity directly to National Grid customers, at no extra cost.

Long story short, folks can sign up for free, pay the same amount for power they’re already paying, with the same service they’re used to, support renewable energy, and support a local company — all while helping Glens Falls qualify for sustainability grants in the future.

When a customer signs up, we review their past electric bills and allocate them a portion of the plant’s power. Every month, a customer still receives a bill from National Grid, but they see a credit from Northern Power & Light. The customer pays their generator via Northern Power & Light for the power they receive.

The customer is still serviced by National Grid, but their energy dollars are now supporting local renewable hydroelectricity. Northern Power & Light customers have an online dashboard where they can keep track of the power they received and make payments, though most customers use our auto-pay option to save time.

Signing up though our website or via our customer service line is very easy. You just need your name, phone number, email, address, and National Grid account number.

There is no long term commitment. If a customer decides to cancel service or is moving, they just notify us via phone or mail and we start the process of disenrolling from the program.

Warrensburg Hydro Facility • Image courtesy of Northern Power & Light

On The Benefits

Electricity is a resource that everyone relies on, but most sources of power have hidden costs, especially to the global climate.

Unlike electricity generated by coal or oil, hydroelectricity does not produce any carbon dioxide. Climate change is caused primarily by a buildup of carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels.

People who are conscious of their climate impact are increasingly looking for carbon-neutral sources for the things they rely on. Hydroelectricity is not only carbon-free, but it is already integrated into our communities and our landscape.

We believe that the most efficient option is to maintain what you already have, and in this region that means our existing hydro facilities.

This also means that when people buy hydro power through Northern Power & Light, they are investing directly in their community, supporting local business and local infrastructure.

Hydroelectricity is a very old form of electricity generation and here in the North Country, “run of the river” hydroelectric plants (like the three that we work with) are the first forms of electricity generation for our region. Maintaining this existing local energy infrastructure is essential to helping the state meet its climate neutrality goals, but also supports a long-existing and established local industry.

At no change in cost, switching to NP&L is a very simple and cost effective way to make that switch. And not only that, but it keeps your dollars in your community and makes for a more resilient economy but also electrical grid. We believe that these existing hydroelectric plants are important resources, and we want to keep them active for another hundred years.

On A Partnership with The City of Glens Falls

The City of Glens Falls is not just a customer of Northern Power & Light, running on clean, sustainable locally-produced energy. They have actually partnered with Northern Power & Light to bring the City to the next level.

The City of Glens Falls was designated a Bronze Certified Climate Smart Community in 2021. Climate Smart Communities (CSC) is a New York State program wherein communities complete and report on a wide range of sustainability and climate actions in order to earn a designation.

The CSC Committee of Glens Falls has been approved by the state CSC program to run a Community Campaign promoting community hydroelectricity with Northern Power and Light. We are calling this the City of Glens Falls Community Hydro Project.

We need 169 residents and businesses inside the village to sign up for community hydroelectricity with Northern Power and Light. When we reach this goal, the City of Glens Falls will earn $40,000 in grant funding to support additional Climate Smart Initiatives for the city.

We’re also working with the city to provide electricity to 70 residents who meet Low to Middle Income (LMI) requirements. This isn’t something we are required to do, but it’s something we feel good about doing in order to give back to the community.

These residents will receive a 25% discount on their electricity bill and their households will count towards the total number of qualified residents that meet the City’s CSC Goal.


Interested in learning more about City of Glens Falls Community Hydro Project and want to ask questions before you consider signing up? Join them for a casual happy hour event at EDC Warren County on the second floor of the Empire Theater on South Street on Thursday, December 14 from 4:30-6pm! The event is free - learn more and sign up here!

Northern Power & Light
Website / Facebook / Instagram
(518) 293-4075


This article is sponsored by Northern Power & Light. Thank you for supporting the local businesses that support Glens Falls Living.

My Glens Falls: Jaime S. Casey

This week, we chatted with Jaime Casey! She shares a bit about her behavioral support business for children and families, her favorite restaurants downtown (for date night or dinner with the family!), a hidden gem for the best soups, and more…

Tell us about yourself!

My name is Jaime S. Casey.  I am married to my best friend and husband Sean Casey, and we have two amazing children together, Jonny and Mary. I am also lucky enough to have a bonus daughter, McKenzie, a son in law, Dakota and their two beautiful boys, Westin and Ryder in my life as well as my wonderful and supportive parents, Jon and Justine Sutherland and my talented and funny brother, Justin. 

I am the owner of BehaveYour Family Support, LLC,  a behavioral support business in which I contract with schools, organizations and families to help support them and their children with varying needs and abilities. I created this business about 10 years ago. Actually, it will be 10 years in 2024 which is hard to believe but it's true what they say: "Time flies when you're having fun" and I could not feel more lucky to do what I love for a living. When I first started this business, the intention was to help people in our community navigate varying abilities and provide support and advocacy for children, families and schools. Since 2020, I have expanded to more areas within the state as well as across the country and one international client. Offering virtual services allows me to be able to support more people and that has been such a cool and rewarding experience. My goal is to ensure more families know about these types of services that are available to them so that they know and feel that sense of community and support, which is something that we all need. 

On Moving to Glens Falls

I grew up in a small town in Parksville, NY and my parents took us to Lake George almost every summer growing up. I have always loved this area. I went to the College of St Rose and received my Bachelor's Degree in Childhood Education.  When I graduated and began working on my masters, I worked for NYSARC, Inc. in Albany. I was able to experience, from an administrative point of view, the support and services they provided to people of varying abilities all over the state. I knew then that I wanted to get my Masters in Psychology and be a part of this in some way, in the future. A local agency in Queensbury was developing a behavior department and I began working there. While working there, I fell in love with the work itself. I worked mostly with adults and realized I wanted to put both of my degrees to use. This is when I realized I wanted to start my own company and work with children, as well as adults. I met my husband here and even though neither of us are originally from this area, we both always loved how Glens Falls truly feels like Hometown USA while also having so much to do and experience close by. We love raising our children here and the strong sense of community we felt immediately and continue to feel. 

On Life in Glens Falls

We own a home near downtown Glens Falls. We love the location and how easily we can walk to the shops and restaurants in town as a family. We talk about how lucky we are to live here, often. We love our home and the charm and history that it has, the location and also the neighborhood itself. Our neighbors are kind, welcoming and we look out for one another. It is such a comfort to have that type of "village" especially in a time where that can be harder and harder to find. 

Some Glens Falls Favorites

My favorite thing about Glens Falls used to be the charm and the Hometown feel. During the holidays, especially, it feels like a Hallmark movie town. That is still true of course, but since having children and sending them to school here, my favorite part of living here without a doubt are the people and the community itself. We are extremely lucky to be raising children in a town who celebrates and is accepting of diversity, people who genuinely look out for our children  and one another and who are kind and are consciously raising kind children. The friendships and connections we have all made here are some of the most important of my life. I feel very lucky to live and raise a family here. I have had many people look out for me both personally and professionally and I am forever grateful. I will always pay it forward when I can because I know, first hand, how important that is and how welcomed and accepted it made me feel. 

One business that I would say is a hidden gem (it was to me at least until recently) is Dickinson's Delights. Their homemade soups and baked goods are delicious and they emulate exactly what I love about this little city; their kindness and the warmth you feel from the moment you walk in. They genuinely want you to have a good experience and are so nice and helpful. Their garlic potato soup is perfect for a cold winter day! 

A Perfect Glens Falls Day

A perfect day would include some kind of nap! lol All joking aside, this is tough because I really love so many places here. I love to go for walks or bike rides in our neighborhood and take it all in. I always feel better and even more grateful after a stroll around my neighborhood. I love shopping at the local stores downtown like Minky Mink, Grow and Hallwear. One of my favorite spots for coffee and breakfast is at Kelly's Roots, a place for my friends and I to meet after school drop off or to meet for lunch. I also love Juicin' Jar for a smoothie or baked good. A really great spot for unique gifts, as well. Their whole vibe is just so lovely and inviting. For cocktails or a date night, my husband and I love Flight, Morgan and Co and Radici. The food, the vibes and the drinks are all delicious and we always have a great time. When we are out and about with our children, we love Flour Child Bakery, Downtown City Tavern, New Way Lunch and Pizza Jerks. It's so great to have all of these options right here within walking distance from our home. I also love walking into these places and them recognizing our children and their sweet interaction with them! Their faces light up, and really, nothing beats that feeling as a parent. 

On the Past

One of my favorite Glens Falls memories is the engagement shoot my husband and I did years ago. We started in Crandall Park and ended the shoot downtown. Seeing the city from that perspective, all of the businesses, the lights, the charm — the general feel was really romantic and so much fun.

One of my favorite things to do then and now is to walk through the city during the holiday season, now with our children. It truly feels so magical, especially at night. 

On the Future

This is another tough one for me because I feel like we are lucky to have so much and so many options close by. If I had to pick one, I'd love a really big health food store with a lot of different healthy food options that are affordable, locally sourced and accessible. So many people have specific dietary needs and it would be nice to have something like that close by. My business model is "when we feel better, we can do better" and nutrition and feeling healthy is a great stepping stone for feeling our best. This can allow us to be able to feel well and therefore generate more positivity to give back to our community. This ripple effect of positivity that can make an impact on all of us, locally and globally. That's really my goal, overall. As a woman, a mother, wife and as a business owner, my goal is to generate as much positivity, support, and kindness as possible for as many people as possible. That's when we effectuate real, positive change and I want my contribution to this community and to the world, to be exactly that.