This week, we’re excited to catch up with The Forcier Family (you’ll recognize Maura from MinkyMink and Mike from Springbrook Hollow Farm Distillery!) and their adorable new addition, Vivian Arcangela! Read on to find out where Maura found out that she was expecting, the story behind Vivian’s beautiful name, and some lessons learned from parenthood thus far.
Photo courtesy of Maura Forcier
Tell us about your family!
We are The Forcier Family! Maura, Michael & Vivian (born Oct 20th). We have two dogs, Phoebe & Cody. We lived in Glens Falls for 5 years, but we just recently moved to a house with 12 acres in Queensbury. My husband Mike built a walking trail (Maura's Mosey) on our property, so one of our favorite things to do is walk on the trail with the whole clan!
Sharing the News
How did you share your pregnancy news with your husband, family, and friends?
I actually took a pregnancy test in the LAX airport bathroom. I was visiting my brother in LA and as he was driving me to the airport to catch my flight home, I made him stop at the drug store at 4 am to buy a pregnancy test. Once I got to the airport, I took the test and when it turned positive, I couldn't stop laughing. I laugh when I'm nervous. The person in the stall next to me must have thought I was a nut ball. I held onto the news the entire trip home and told my husband the second I walked through the door! I couldn't keep the secret any longer!
When we told our family, we had a gathering at our house. We told everyone to get together to take a group photo. Instead of saying "cheese" on the count of three to take the photo, we shouted "Maura's Pregnant," and my mother in law started screaming and crying! It was so funny. We have it on video if anyone wants to see!
Did you find out the gender prior to giving birth? Any inklings as to whether it was a boy or a girl, and were you right?
Yes, we found out the gender at our 20 week ultrasound. Both of us thought we were having a boy because I was carrying low. But, to our sweet surprise, we had a little girl! To be honest, I was pretty relieved because my husband was rambunctious as a kid and I was nervous about having a boy first!
Did you have a gender reveal?
We had a small gender reveal party with just our immediate family. But, Mike and I knew the gender beforehand. It was important for us to have our moment together at the doctor's office. We didn't want to be put on the spot during one of the biggest moments of our lives. It was really a gender reveal for our family. We had both of our sisters hit a baseball filled with pink powder. Everyone was stunned when the pink dust flew through the air...except both of our Dads! They called it!
Photo courtesy of Maura Forcier
All about Vivian
Vivian was born on 10/20/19 at 3:49am, weighing 7 lbs, 8 oz, and measuring 18 inches long.
How did you decide on her beautiful name?
Vivian Arcangela Forcier - The whole time I was pregnant, we couldn't decide on a name. I liked the name Maren and Mike wanted Vivian. We had a few complications during her birth. She had the cord wrapped around her neck, causing her to lose oxygen. She ended up having to go to the Albany Med NICU (she is 100% healthy, don't worry!). Before they whisked her away in the ambulance, the Doctor asked what her name was. Mike told them Maren, because he knew that is what I wanted. I instantly started balling because he let me have the name that I wanted which meant a lot to me. Before they left, they let me hold her for 5 minutes. That was the first time I was able to get a good look at her. As I stared down at her, she looked like such a classic beauty and I knew that Vivian was her name. She needed a name that was regal.
Vivian's middle name is Arcangela (pronounced Are-Con-Gel-Uh). I'm sure you've never heard that before! It's Italian and is my Mother's name as well as my Great Grandmother's name. My Husband's cousin, Kate Hogan told us that she should have a name that means something to us. We chose Arcangela as her middle name because my Mom is a strong, smart and caring woman. I want Vivian growing up with those same qualities. I think as she gets older, she will think about her Grandma and be proud of the fact that she was named after such an amazing woman.
What are a few things you love about Vivian so far?
I love Vivian's smile! She is such a smiley, happy baby in the morning and seeing her bright eyed and bushy tailed as I pick her up out of her crib makes my heart melt. She is on the verge of laughing right now. She makes this high pitched squeal if we make funny faces at her and it's the best sound in the world to me. I have a video of her squealing and I watch it all the time when I'm at work.
What are some of your favorite things to do together?
It's kind of embarrassing! But, we can't do too much outside yet since she is only 12 weeks old. So, right now, my favorite thing to do with her is to put music videos on the TV and dance together. I put her in this thing called a "Boba Wrap" (so I can wear her) and we shake our groove thang! I'll dance in front of the mirror so she can see herself and she will start squealing! Yesterday, we danced to all the good early 2000's Nelly, Missy Elliot & Britney Spears. My husband always teases me though and changes the music to the Grateful Dead or Warren Zevon because he says he wants her listening to good music! I look absolutely insane, but it's pretty hilarious and fun.
Any similarities - physical or personality - to the two of you?
She has dark hair like me and it sticks straight up on the back of her head like Alfalfa. Right now, she has blue eyes like my husband. But, her eye color could change. Once babies are 6 months old, their eye color is permanent. Her looks are changing every day though. Sometimes I think she looks just like my husband and other times, I think she looks just like me! It's hard to tell who she will resemble more. Personality wise, she is a little chatter box, so she gets that from my husband. Thankfully, she is a great sleeper, which she inherited from me!
On Parenthood
We’d love to hear your favorite part about parenthood thus far…and the biggest challenge?
My favorite thing about being a parent so far is seeing Viv change and develop. It's cliche, but she is growing so fast and I love seeing her personality come out. I also love snuggling with her. When we put her to bed, my husband reads a book while I feed her. We snuggle together for a while and it makes my heart full.
The biggest challenge for me right now is feeling like I have to get it all done. I own MinkyMink downtown, so between running the business and taking care of Viv, the dogs, the house, etc, it's been a juggling act. My husband and I are starting to get more into the groove of it all and working on our time management skills, but it's definitely not easy! I'm lucky that our families live close by and help us a lot.
What are you most looking forward to with the addition of Vivian to your family?
Creating our own family traditions with Vivian. Once she is able to walk, we plan on doing a family snow shoe every Christmas morning. My husband wants to do an annual family camping trip. Obviously that will be down the road, but I'm looking forward to spending time together as a family and making memories.
What has being a parent taught you? How have you changed since becoming parents?
Childbirth was the hardest thing that I have ever gone through. Because that was so hard, I feel like I can literally do anything, so it's taught me that I'm a force to be reckoned with. My priorities have changed since becoming a parent. My main goal in life right now is to be the best Mom to Vivian. So, I don't worry about petty things anymore, because who has time to sweat the small stuff when you have a baby to care for?
What’s the best advice someone has given you on parenthood so far?
Don't compare yourself to other parents, everyone's journey is different. Do what's best for you and your family.
Care to share some of your advice for new parents?
It's impossible to do it all. Accept help when people offer it and ask for help when you need it.
Photo courtesy of Maura Forcier
Just for Fun
The top products that got you through the first few months?
Sleep Swaddle, Burt's Bee's Booty Cream and the Snot Sucker.
If you could have one night out with a trusted babysitter, what would you do?
I would hit the slopes at Gore Mountain with my Husband and then apres ski at Bar Vino in North Creek.
Thanks Forcier Family, and welcome Vivian!
P.S. Check out more from our New Additions series here.
The New Additions Series is made possible by Glens Falls Hospital.
At Glens Falls Hospital, we know how special that first smile from your newborn is. That’s why we’ve taken strides to provide the most intimate, state-of-the-art accommodations for delivering your little bundle of joy at the Joyce Stock Snuggery.
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